2010 WOTY nominations open

Grant Barrett gbarrett at worldnewyork.org
Tue Dec 21 17:56:29 UTC 2010

The American Dialect Society is now accepting nominations for the "word of the year" of 2010.

The full announcement, with links to five sets of early nominations, is here: http://bit.ly/2010woty

What is the word or phrase which best characterizes the year? What expression most reflects the ideas, events, and themes which have occupied the English-speaking world, especially North America?

Nominations can be sent by email to woty at americandialect.org or to the Twitter user name @americandialect, or they can be made in Twitter by using the hashtag #woty10.

They will be considered for the American Dialect Society's 21st annual word-of-the-year vote, the longest-running vote of its kind in the world and the word-of-the-year event up to which all word-of-the-year votes lead. It will be held in Pittsburgh on Friday, January 7, 2011. 

The best "word of the year" candidates will be:

—new or newly popular in 2010
—widely or prominently used in 2010
—indicative or reflective of the popular discourse

Read more: http://bit.ly/2010woty

Grant Barrett
American Dialect Society
Vice President of Communications and Technology
grantbarrett at gmail.com

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