American Dialect Society Nominating Committee report

Grant Barrett gbarrett at
Mon Nov 14 17:57:34 UTC 2011

The committee (William A. Kretzschmar, Jr., chair; Connie Eble, Sali Tagliamonte) proposes as member of the Executive Council for the four-year term 2012-15: Kathryn Remlinger, Grand Valley State University.

Additional nominations may be made by a petition signed by at least ten members in good standing, to be received by the Executive Secretary no later than December 16.

This nomination will be voted on at the Society’s Annual Business Meeting, 3:00 p.m. Thursday, January 5, at the Hilton Portland, Salon II. 

Those elected take office after the conclusion of this annual meeting. 

Annual meeting details:

Grant Barrett
American Dialect Society
Vice President of Communications and Technology
grantbarrett at
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