DARE Celebrations May 3rd and 4th

Grant Barrett gbarrett at worldnewyork.org
Fri Mar 23 20:08:13 UTC 2012

(Apologies for the cross-posting.)

Don't forget that there's a mini-conference about DARE and American Dictionaries in Madison on May 3rd from 1:00 to 4:00. Our speakers are Erin McKean, Michael Adams, and Simon Winchester. It will be held in the Alumni Lounge at The Pyle Center, 702 Langdon Street.

And the party celebrating the publication of Volume V and the launch (next year) of the digital edition will be May 4th from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. That celebration will be held at the Madison Club, at 5 East Wilson Street.

Rooms have been reserved at two hotels, but in order to receive the conference rate, THEY MUST BE RESERVED BY APRIL 2 (CAMPUS INN) OR APRIL 3 (HILTON).

601 Langdon Street
Deluxe Standard Single room $120
Toll-free number 800 589-6285
Group number: 118573
Group name: DARE
Direct URL: 

9 East Wilson Street
Single or double rate: $159
Toll-free number:  1-866-403-8838 or 414-935-5941
Group name: DARE
Group code: DARE
Direct URL:  http://goo.gl/tk3KL

For the conference, please respond by April 20 to DARE's office manager, 
Ginny Bormann, at vabormann at wisc.edu, or call her at 608-263-3810.

For Friday's party, please register online by April 20 at supportuw.org/event/dare. 

If you have questions, please contact Andrea Stoffel at andrea.stoffel at supportuw.org or 608-265-9793.

All of us at DARE hope to see you in Madison!

Joan Houston Hall
ADS-M, the announcement list of the American Dialect Society - http://americandialect.org

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