Updating the American Dialect Society Media Contact List

Grant Barrett grantbarrett at gmail.com
Tue Dec 3 17:49:26 UTC 2013

The American Dialect Society maintains a page on its website which includes the contact information for those language professionals who are willing to accept media queries about matters linguistic. They might ask about mondegreens, catchphrases, vowel shifts, words of the year, or anything else. 


**If you are already on that list, please double-check your entry to make sure the information there is current. Please send me any updates.

**If you would like to be on that list, please send me:

--A short explanation of your areas of expertise.
--A bit about your significant publishing history.
--A line about your education.
--Contact information. At the very least, this should include an email address. A phone number is ideal. 
--The link to your website. 

See the link above for typical entries.

The media are usually in a hurry. Please respond as quickly as you can.  If you get media queries that you cannot answer or are too busy to handle, please be sure to forward them to someone else on the list. 

While the page plainly says for the media to NOT email lots of people on the list, of course they do. When responding to media, one of your first questions should be, “Who else have you contacted?” You may be able to defer to your also-contacted colleagues and save yourself some trouble.

Best wishes,

Grant Barrett
American Dialect Society
Vice President of Communications and Technology
grantbarrett at gmail.com

ADS-M, the announcement list of the American Dialect Society - http://americandialect.org
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