Fwd: FW: ACLS Public Fellows Program - 2014 competition now open

Grant Barrett grantbarrett at gmail.com
Mon Jan 27 19:53:31 UTC 2014

This may be of interest to ADS members.


From: John Paul Christy [mailto:jpchristy at ACLS.org]
Sent: Monday, January 27, 2014 08:46
To: publicfellows
Cc: Katie Smith
Subject: ACLS Public Fellows Program - 2014 competition now open

Dear CAO colleagues,

ACLS has launched the 2014 competition of the Public Fellows program,
which will place 20 recent Ph.D.s in two-year staff positions at
partnering organizations in the government and the nonprofit sectors.
With efforts to foster diverse career paths for recent PhDs underway
in many learned societies, I thought that you might want to share
information about this year’s competition with your members. A program
flyer for the 2014 competition is attached to this e-mail.

In 2014, Public Fellows will have the opportunity to join the
following host organizations:

1.     American Refugee Committee – Program Manager, Social Enterprise Projects

2.     Association of Research Libraries – Program Officer for
Scholarly Publishing

3.     Center for Public Integrity – Engagement Analyst

4.     Council of Independent Colleges – Communications Officer

5.     Human Rights Campaign – Senior Content Manager

6.     Kiva – Partnerships Evaluation Manager

7.     Lenox Hill Neighborhood House – Research and Partnerships Manager

8.     Museum of Jewish Heritage – Manager of Strategic Initiatives

9.     National Constitution Center – Program Developer

10.  New America Foundation – Contributing Editor

11.  New Orleans Museum of Art (NOMA) – Public Policy Officer

12.  The Public Theater – Strategy and Planning Manager

13.  San Francisco Arts Commission – Program Manager, Policy and Evaluation

14.  Smithsonian Institution, Grand Challenges Consortia – Public
Outreach Manager

15.  Smithsonian Institution, Office of International Relations –
Program Officer

16.  Trust for Public Land – Program Analyst, Conservation Research

17.  United Negro College Fund – Policy Analyst

18.  U.S. Department of Health and Human Services – Policy Analyst

19.  Wisconsin Public Radio – Digital Producer, To the Best of Our Knowledge

20.  Zócalo Public Square – Program Manager

The results of the past three competitions, which placed eight, 13,
and 20 fellows, respectively, can be found online here. The deadline
for the 2014 competition is March 19, 2014. More info is available at

I look forward to seeing you at the Annual Meeting in May!
With best wishes,
John Paul

John Paul Christy

Program Officer

American Council of Learned Societies

633 3rd Avenue

New York, NY 10017

212.697.1505 x144

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