[Ads-m] Schedule for 2015 annual meeting in Portland released

Grant Barrett grantbarrett at gmail.com
Thu Nov 13 18:11:30 UTC 2014

This is the first release of the schedule for the American Dialect
Society’s annual meeting in Portland, Ore., January 8-11, 2015, held
in conjunction with the annual meeting of the Linguistic Society of
America. Updates to this schedule will appear on the website:

More information about the conference (including hotel information) is
here: http://www.linguisticsociety.org/event/lsa-2015-annual-meeting.


Executive Council

1:00 – 3:00 p.m.

Open meeting; all members welcome. Chair: ADS President Jesse Sheidlower.

Annual Business Meeting

3:00 – 3:30 p.m.

Most of the business of the Society is conducted at the preceding
Executive Council meeting, to which all members are invited (see
above). But it is this Business Meeting that elects new ADS officers.

ADS Session 1

4:00 – 6:00 p.m.,

4:00 Jack Grieve (Aston University): Mapping lexical spread in American English

4:30 Taylor Jones (University of Pennsylvania) ‘Yeen kno nun bout
dat’: Using Twitter to map AAVE dialect regions

5:00 Tracy Conner (University of Massachusetts Amherst): Ellipsis
licensing and copula/possessive optionality in African American

5:30 Erica Britt (University of Michigan-Flint): Preaching,
performance, and the comedy of Richard Pryor

Words of the Year Nominations

6:15 – 7:15 p.m.

Chair: Ben Zimmer, Vocabulary.com.

Open meeting of the New Words committee; ADS members and friends
welcome. This meeting reviews nominations for Words of the Year 2012.
Final candidates will be identified in preparation for the vote at
5:30 p.m. Friday.

(Sister Society Meet and Greet Reception)

8:30 – 10:00 p.m.,

Friday, January 9

ADS Session 2: Speech in the Western States

8:30–11:00 a.m.,

Chair: Betsy Evans (University of Washington)

8:30 Kara Becker, Anna Aden, Katelyn Best, Haley Jacobson (all Reed
College):Variation in West Coast English: The case of Oregon.

9:00 Valerie Fridland (University of Nevada Reno), Tyler Kendall
(University of Oregon), Craig Fickle (University of Oregon): It’s
Nev-ae- da, not nev- ah- da!

9:30 Robert Kennedy (University of California, Santa Barbara), James
Grama (University of Hawai‘i at Manoa), Heather Llewellyn (University
of California, Santa Barbara): On the nucleus-offglide trajectory of
the mid-back rounded vowel in California English.

10:00 Annette D’Onofrio, Penelope Eckert, Robert Podesva, Teresa
Pratt, Janneke Van Hofwegen (all Stanford University): Low vowel
variation in California

10:30 Alicia Beckford-Wassink(University of Washington ): Vowel
raising in Washington State: What’s the BAG deal?

ADS Session 3

11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

11:30 Charles Boberg (McGill University): World War I and the
consolidation of Canadian English

12:00 Matt Hunt Gardner (University of Toronto), Sali A. Tagliamonte
(University of Toronto): The bike, the back, and the boyfriend:
Confronting the “definite article conspiracy” in Canadian and British

ADS Session 4

1:30–3:00 p.m., Teaching Panel

Chair: Anne Curzan (University of Michigan).

1:30 Robert Bayley, Chelsea Escalante, Renee Kemp, Alex Mendes, Emily
Moline (all University of California, Davis): Where have all the
participles went? Using Twitter data to teach multivariate analysis

2:00 Dan Villareal University of California Davis), Ariel Loring
(California State University Sacramento): Teaching world Englishes to
undergradtuates: Tensions and pedagogical insights

2:30 Kelly Abrams (U. of Wisconsin): Discovering DARE: Creating a
DARECurriculum for secondary and postsecondary coursework

ADS Session 5

3:30–5:00 p.m.

3:30 Laurence Horn, Jim Wood, Raffaella Zanuttini, Grace Brody, Laura
DiNardo,Luke Lindemann (all Yale University): Here’s us a new
methodology: the Southern Presentative Dative meets Mechanical Turk

4:00 Paulina Bounds (Tennessee Tech University), Jacqueline Hettel
(Arizona State University): Signal-to-noise ratio in creation of
perceptual maps

4:30 Allison Burkette (University of Mississippi), Lamont Antieau
(Anvil Editing):Individual language as a complex system

Words of the Year Vote

5:30 – 6:30 p.m

Words in half a dozen categories as well as a Word (or Phrase) of the
Year 2014 will be chosen from the slate of nominees determined at
Thursday evening’s meeting. Before each vote, brief statements will be
invited from advocates for or against the candidates.

The hour will begin with the American Name Society’s vote on its
choice of Name of the Year. All ADS members, ANS members, and friends
are welcome to participate.

Bring-Your-Own-Book Exhibit and Reception

6:45–7:45 p.m

Saturday, January 10

ADS Session 6

8:30–10:00 a.m.,


8:30 Lara Downing (The Ohio State University): “Dutchified” English
among the Mennonites of Ohio

9:00 David Durian (Northern Illinois University):Revisiting the
development of the Northern Cities Shift in late 19th and early 20th
Century Chicago: Another Look at Pederson’s PEMC data, DARE, and LANCS

9:30 Kelly Abrams, Tom Purnell (both University of Wisconsin-Madison):
Locating the Appalachian dialect boundary in Maryland:
Morpho-syntactic evidence.

ADS Session 7

10:30 a.m.–12:00 noon,

10:30 Phillip Carter, Salvatore Callesano (both Florida International
University): Perceiving Spanish in Miami: The interaction of top-down
and bottom-up stimuli

11:00 Mary Kohn (Kansas State University), Erin Callahan (Western
Carolina University): Local and supra-local variation in Latino

11:30 Phillip M. Carter, Nandi Sims, Lydda López (all Florida
International University): Spanish substrate influence on Miami Latino

ADS Annual Luncheon

12:15–1:45 p.m.,

Cost is $40. Students who are members of ADS may attend free.
Reservations may be made in advance with ADS Executive Secretary Allan
Metcalf atamericandialect at mac.edu.

ADS Session 8

2:00–4:00 p.m.,


2:00 Katie Carmichael (Virginia Tech): “I’m so New Orleans, when I go
out of town people ask me if I’m Canadian”: Canadian Raising as an
innovation in New Orleans English

2:30 Janelle Serediak, Alexandra D’Arcy (both University of Victoria:
Old njooz or noo nooz? A diachronic look at yod dropping.

3:00 Sky Onosson (University of Victoria), Becky Roeder (University of
North Carolina Charlotte), Alexandra D’Arcy (University of Victoria):
City, province, or region? What do the vowels of Victoria tell us?

3:30 Burns Cooper, Siri Tuttle (both University of Alaska Fairbanks):
Front vowels in Fairbanks

Sunday, January 11

ADS Session 9:

8:30–10:30 a.m.,

8:30 Joel Schneier (North Carolina State University): Style-shifting
in texting: Quantitative evidence from an elicitation experiment

9:00 Jon Forrest (North Carolina State University): Frequency effects
and vowel lenition in (ING)

9:30 Ruth Maddeaux (University of Toronto):Me, myself & I: The role of
the untriggered reflexive in the English pronominal system

10:00 Jennifer Renn (Center for Applied Linguistics): Investigating
the relationship between African American English use and early
literacy skills

ADS Session 10

11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

11:00 Emily Nguyen (New York University): L-vocalization among
Vietnamese Americans in Minnesota

11:30 Danielle Schuld, Joe Salmons (both University of
Wisconsin-Madison):Hearing a new accent: Changing perceptions of
Wisconsin English over time

12:00 Paul Reed (University of South Carolina): Appalachian local
orientation and intonation: A sociophonetic account

Grant Barrett
American Dialect Society
Vice President of Communications and Technology
grantbarrett at gmail.com

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