[ADS-M] Reminder: join the experts list for the American Dialect Society

Grant Barrett grantbarrett at gmail.com
Tue Dec 29 21:28:26 UTC 2015

I have received 23 requests to be on the experts list.

If you have not heard from me, please check the page and see if you're on
there. If not, I apologize for missing you; please resend.

If you did hear from me, please check the list to verify your information.
Pay particular attention to your expertise, as it serves as searchable
keywords and can make you findable on topics if you use words journalists
are likely to use rather than those that scholars are likely to use (such
as "names" vs. "onomastics").


If you want to be on the list and didn't say so the first time around, see




In the next couple of weeks (before the annual meeting), I will be
completely removing all of the entries now on the experts list on the
ADS website here:


This list is for people who do not mind being contacted with language
questions by journalists and (rarely) lawyers looking for expert
testimony. It does not generate a huge number of calls, but it
generates enough that American Dialect Society members are regularly
able to properly represent the current consensus of our academic
domains in the popular media.

If you would like to be added or re-added to that page, you *must* be
an American Dialect Society member and send me the following:

phone number
email address
areas of expertise

I am removing the publications, affiliations, and other parts of the

Media tell me that they will almost never contact someone who doesn't
also have a phone number, so I cannot include your entry if you do not
include a phone number.

Please send your information to me, not to the email list.

Grant Barrett
American Dialect Society
Vice President of Communications and Technology
grantbarrett at gmail.com
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