[ADS-M] Media query: "Today Show" looking for in-person slang expert for LA

Grant Barrett grantbarrett at gmail.com
Thu Feb 5 21:03:14 UTC 2015

Fellow American Dialect Society members: Please contact the producer
below if you are qualified and interested in helping. Please also
forward this to any reputable linguists or lexicographers who may be
able to help.


I’m a digital producer with NBC News/TODAY Show, and we’re doing a
segment for TODAY.com about the use of slang. In a nutshell, we’re
looking for someone who can talk about how we use slang, why we use it
etc. Examples of what we’re looking at include “don’t be a hater,”
basic, turnt.

I was wondering if there’s a expert in the LA area who could talk to
this topic – I saw a few people on your page who have the background
we’re looking for, but didn’t see anyone in LA.

Let me know if there’s someone who comes to mind.


Elyse Perlmutter
NBC News Original Video
O: 212-664-5339
C: 202-306-9102

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