[ADS-M] [American Dialect Society] Fwd: Linguist as expert witness wanted

Grant Barrett administrator at americandialect.org
Fri May 15 15:42:21 UTC 2015

See below. Please respond to that original sender, not to me or the list.

Grant Barrett
American Dialect Society
Vice President of Communications and Technology
grantbarrett at gmail.com

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From:  <andrea.calonico at thomsonreuters.com>
Date: Fri, May 15, 2015 at 8:39 AM
Subject: Expert in Common Phrases Consult
To: administrator at americandialect.org

Good morning,

In my search for a linguist specializing in current slang or
vernacular, I came across web site. I’d love access to your member
list so that I may share the below opportunity. If that is not
possible, I’d appreciate any referrals that you are able to give. Our
client prefers an expert in the Los Angeles area, but we are open to
reviewing the credentials of all interested parties.

Thomson Reuters Expert Witness Services links scholars and industry
experts with top-tier law firms that are in need of specialized
expertise. Please let me know if the below consulting opportunity is
of interest to you.

Our client is seeking an expert in current slang or vernacular to
testify regarding common phrases or forms of speech. The selected
expert must be available immediately to do a report next week. Prior
testifying experience is preferred but not required.

If you are not interested, I would be grateful if you could let me
know of any qualified colleague(s) who may be interested in this

However, if you are interested in this engagement and joining our
expert network, please reply to this email with a brief paragraph
statement of your expertise for this project, a copy of your resume,
and your current hourly billing rate. TREWS will present your
information to the client. If the client expresses interest, we will
arrange for a conference call in which you and the client can discuss
the project and determine if there is mutual interest.

To learn more about Thomson Reuters Expert Witness Services, please
visit our web site at https://trexpertwitness.com/, or call us at
888-784-3978. You can also register to be considered for other paid
consulting assignments by



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Andrea Calonico
Expert Witness Recruiter

Thomson Reuters

Phone: 651-687-8412
Fax: 888-812-8796

andrea.calonico at thomsonreuters.com



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Thomson Reuters fosters an inclusive workplace where all employees are valued.

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