[ADS-M] Fwd: TIME Request: New or Upcoming Papers

Grant Barrett administrator at americandialect.org
Tue Jun 14 18:39:38 UTC 2016

See the request below. Katy is one of us. She tends to treat her subject
matter fairly and effectively. Please reply to her and not to me or the

Grant Barrett
American Dialect Society
Vice President of Communications and Technology
grantbarrett at gmail.com

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Steinmetz, Katy - Time U.S. <Katy.Steinmetz at time.com> <
Katy.Steinmetz at time.com>
Date: Tue, Jun 14, 2016 at 10:41 AM
Subject: TIME Request: New or Upcoming Papers
I'm looking for any upcoming work on the following topics, as a peg for
exploring the issues in more depth on TIME: emoji use, how we communicate
on the Internet (particularly different ways men and women do this),
advances in NLP or sentiment analysis (for a feature on what's at stake in
teaching machines to talk). On the latter, I'd be interested in
interviewing scholars in this area even if there isn't a paper peg.

Thanks in advance for helping with this. Anyone interested can reach me at
this address: katy.steinmetz at time.com

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