[ADS-M] Nominations for the 2017 word of the year are now being accepted!

Grant Barrett administrator at americandialect.org
Wed Dec 20 23:44:58 UTC 2017

The American Dialect Society is now accepting 2017 word-of-the-year
nominations for the categories and criteria described below. Nominations
can be sent by email to woty at americandialect.org or on Twitter to

Since 1990, the society has selected words of the year to highlight
language change, to bring a few aspects of the study of linguistics to the
public’s attention, and to have a little bit of fun. The lighthearted vote
is held each year the time of the society’s annual convention.

This year’s vote will be held at the Grand America Hotel in Salt Lake City,

Read the full announcement and see the criteria:
https://americandialect.org/woty2017 .

It's the only WOTY vote that matters. 😇

Best wishes,

Grant Barrett
American Dialect Society
Vice President of Communications and Technology
grantbarrett at gmail.com
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