[ADS-M] Humanities Advocacy Day

Grant Barrett administrator at americandialect.org
Tue Feb 20 18:09:29 UTC 2018

The American Dialect Society as a member of the National Humanities
Alliance, which sends this request:

"Join the National Humanities Alliance in Washington, D.C., this March to
advocate for the humanities! This year’s event will provide ample
opportunity to connect with a growing number of humanities advocates from
around the country. Together, we will explore approaches to year-round
advocacy on college campuses and in local communities while also preparing
for Capitol Hill visits. On March 13, we will visit House and Senate
offices to make a persuasive case for federal funding for the humanities."


ADS members and friends are encouraged to get involved, as helping the NHA
can improve the funding climate that enables our fields to thrive. The
website includes an advocacy guide and training video.

Best wishes,

Grant Barrett
American Dialect Society
Vice President of Communications and Technology
grantbarrett at gmail.com
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