[ADS-M] Julie Roberts Appointed New ADS Executive Secretary

Grant Barrett administrator at americandialect.org
Sat Jan 13 15:01:50 UTC 2018

The American Dialect Society is pleased to announce its new Executive
Secretary — Professor Julie Roberts of the University of Vermont.

Professor Roberts has been a long time member of the American Dialect
Society, having served on its executive council and the editorial board of
its journal American Speech, and having presented papers and organized
panels for its annual meetings.

She is a leading scholar in the field of dialectology and sociolinguistics,
with a focus on Vermont dialects and child dialect variation. Her
publications appear in the major journals of the field, including American

Professor Roberts has extensive administrative experience, having served as
president of the faculty senate of the University of Vermont, the Faculty
Union (United Academics), for which she has served as Vice President and
Chief Negotiator of the bargaining team.

Among Professor Roberts’ many accomplishments is her creation of the
linguistics program and major at the University of Vermont, which is
currently seeking departmental status, and her many initiatives in outreach
and continuing education.

Julie welcomes the opportunity to bring her two professional priorities —
dialectology and service — to the American Dialect Society.

She replaces Allan Metcalf, who has been the society’s executive secretary
for decades, and who leaves with many thanks and much appreciation.

See the original job posting to learn more about the society’s executive
secretary role. https://www.americandialect.org/iso-new-exec-sec


Grant Barrett
American Dialect Society
Vice President of Communications and Technology
grantbarrett at gmail.com
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