[ADS-M] Save the date! A celebration of 90 years of the Linguistic Atlas Project

Grant Barrett grantbarrett at gmail.com
Tue Feb 12 19:19:07 UTC 2019

>From Allison Burkette:

The University of Kentucky Department of Linguistics is hosting a
birthday party on April 5th, 2019, to celebrate the 90th year of the
Linguistic Atlas Project!

We will be sending out official invitations shortly that will detail
the day's events: an Atlas office open house with nibbles, a display
in the lobby of the SCRC, and a 4:00pm talk by Michael Adams (Indiana
University), the current president of the American Dialect Society.

We are inviting friends of the department, linguistics alumni, various
American Dialect Society members and noted scholars of American
English to join us — this means you! Please consider making the trip
to beautiful Lexington, KY, for this special event. More details to
come soon!


Grant Barrett
American Dialect Society
Vice President of Communications and Technology
grantbarrett at gmail.com

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