[ADS-M] Message from Dennis Preston about Friends of ADS

Grant Barrett grantbarrett at gmail.com
Mon Jul 22 16:52:02 UTC 2019


If you have been monitoring your American Dialect Society communications,
you will know that we have now established a program that will benefit our
general expenses: Friends of the American Dialect Society.

Although we have a number of generous bequests that offer travel for the
best paper in *American Speech* and for other accomplishments by students
and other members, it is still the Society’s responsibility to cover the
many other expenses associated with our administration, our annual meeting,
and our own donations to other societies as well as for the accomplishments
of our own members, particularly students.

We are the Society, in fact, which has given the lie to the expression
“There is no such thing as a free lunch,” for we have traditionally hosted
all our student members, award recipients or not, at our annual meeting

Our new program, shamelessly modelled on the LSA “Leadership Circle,” aims
to provide income to the Society that can be used for these many expenses.

By donating generously, you will become a member of the Friends of the
American Dialect Society (tax-deductible, as we are a 501(c)(3)) for one
year, and be recognized as such in our publications and at the annual

In addition to that lofty honor (which can be renewed annually), you can be
assured that your donation will contribute to the continuation of our
important efforts to explore linguistic variation and to bring our findings
not only to academic venues but also to the general public, classrooms, and
any other areas where we can apply our research knowledge.

Please visit our webpage for details:


And please help me in supporting the American Dialect Society.

Dennis R. Preston

Past-President of the American Dialect Society
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