[ADS-M] Society website; your meeting photos

Grant Barrett grantbarrett at gmail.com
Tue Jan 31 22:08:07 UTC 2023

Hey, all, we're planning to do a revamp of the American Dialect Society
website and would like your help. This is the site as it currently stands:

First, are there things that you have looked for or wanted on the American
Dialect Society website but not found? Is there something that you have
found to be useful on other, similar websites that we should have, too? Is
there an academic website for a small organization that you particularly
like that we should consider as a model? Is there something on our website
that is unclear or broken?

Second, please share photos and videos from past American Dialect Society
members and meetings! We're looking for everyone to be included on the new
site, from as far back as you have images and footage, to as recently as
possible. If there are shots of society members getting or giving awards,
giving presentations or plenaries, acting silly, gathering for group
photos, eating together, looking thoughtful, whatever, we'd like to
consider any of them for the website.

Thank you!

Grant Barrett
American Dialect Society
Vice President of Communications and Technology
grantbarrett at gmail.com
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