[ADS-M] January society conference updates, deadlines

Grant Barrett grantbarrett at gmail.com
Fri Oct 27 19:26:50 UTC 2023

>From Julie Robers, the American Dialect Society executive director:

Dear ADS members and friends,

We are looking forward to the ADS meeting in NYC this January and hope to
see many of you there. Here is an update about registration and an
announcement about our Presidential Address and Breakfast!

Because prices in NYC are prohibitively high, we are having to forgo our
popular luncheon this year, but we have substituted a breakfast on Saturday
morning. *Our president, Kate Remlinger, will be giving her address at this
time, and we will provide a continental+ breakfast for the low (for NYC)
cost of $10.* You may buy a ticket for the breakfast when you register for
the meeting through the LSA website.

Already registered? Not a problem. We recently discovered that LSA had
inadvertently left the breakfast off of the registration site. It’s there
now, but if you’ve already registered for the meeting, adding the breakfast
ticket is done a little differently. Here are the instructions:

You won’t be able to add the ticket directly from the LSA website. Instead,
go to your registration confirmation email and click the link “Go to
Dashboard” in the registration receipt from Oxford Abstracts. The breakfast
registration is listed as an “add on” in the Dashboard.

We hope you will be able to join us! If we don’t sell out first, you are
welcome to add the breakfast when you get to New York. If you don’t want
breakfast or we sell out, you are still welcome to attend Kate’s talk.

Also a Reminder! *The deadline for the Audrey Duckert (for faculty) and
student travel awards is November 6*. Self-nominations and nominations of
students by faculty are welcome. Please send Duckert nominations to Tricia
Cukor-Avila (Patricia.Cukor-Avila at unt.edu) and student nominations to Kate
Remlinger (remlingk at gvsuk.edu).

Questions? Please contact me, and see you in NYC!

Julie Roberts
Executive Director
Julie.roberts.uvm at gmail.com
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