African Diasporic Languages and Education Symposium, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York

dct2103 at COLUMBIA.EDU dct2103 at COLUMBIA.EDU
Wed Sep 20 04:10:49 UTC 2006

Greetings!  I am writing to inform you of the exciting International
Symposium on African and Diasporic Languages and Education that will
take place at Teachers College, Columbia
University in early October.

The African Union has declared 2006 the Year of African Language! In
celebration of this affirmation renowned international scholars,
educators, and policy-makers are gathering at Teachers
College, Columbia University to share educational visions and design
in language and literacy education associated with speakers of
various African languages, Creole languages and dialects, and
African American English.

Based on the theme of paradigms, practices and politics of language
in education, the three-day symposium combines theoretical
presentations with educational development sessions and roundtable
discussions among educators, policymakers, and language scholars.
The symposium highlights a different language group each day,
beginning with an exploration of the cultural, historical, and
linguistic roots of African language, education, and policy on the
African continent as well as in the United States. The second day
focuses on Creole-speaking regions, investigating the interface
between language, education, and policy, and the third day turns to
the sociolinguistic situation in the United States, this time
addressing these questions for speakers of African American English.

This symposium not only is of interest to scholars and educators
interested in African & the Diaspora but also (just to name a few)
*scholars and educators who are interested in language and language
education policy,
*international educational development/comparative education
scholars who are interested in educational practices and policies,
*scholars and educators who are concerned about how immigrants,
migrants, and refugees with interrupted formal education are
assisted in the US educational system,
*educators who want new approaches to differentiated instruction
for students from Africa and the diaspora, and
*students who want to broaden their knowledge of language
development, language education, politics of/ around languages,
Africa, the Caribbean, the United States, and international,
national and local education and immigration policies.

The symposium has special rates for students and alumni, as well as
a special two day rate for NYC teachers.  See the website posted
below for details.


ITSF 4094 006 Ed Planning-IED: Afr/Dias Lang
CRN: 31950
JoAnne Kleifgen
Course Description: Parallel Academic Course for the
International Symposium on African and Diasporic Languages and

1 credit: Symposium attendance
2-3 credits: Additional meetings, assignments

This course explores topics in language and literacy education
associated with speakers of various African languages, Creole
languages, and African American English. All registered individuals
will participate in the Symposium; those registering
for a single credit require no classroom hours outside of the
Symposium itself.

Students registering for two or three credits have the opportunity
to interact with the subject matter more deeply before and after
the Symposium and with the scholars themselves during the symposium
for a richer Symposium experience. The Symposium and
associated course both address theoretical and pedagogical concerns
and their political consequences in the following areas: discourse
and literacy studies, policy, international development, and

Call for Posters
The Center for Multiple Languages and Literacies and Center for
African Education invite teachers and graduate students to submit
abstracts for a poster session, which will be held as part of the 3
day International Symposium on African & Diasporic Languages and
Education.  This Symposium will bring together international
scholars, educators, and policy-makers to share educational visions
and design in language and literacy education associated with
speakers of African languages, Creole languages and African
American English (for more details, see Symposium website:

Following the Symposium's theme of paradigms, practices and politics
of language in education, poster presenters are invited to
prepare material that demonstrates the link between research and
teaching and/or language education policy. Teachers and graduate
students may explore issues around language and education in Africa
or the education of African immigrants to the Americas, examine
these issues for Creole speakers, or address these questions for
speakers of African American English. Alternatively, they may
compare and contrast concerns across these language groups. Poster
sessions might include but are not limited to 1) pedagogical
posters from teachers about creative ways that they have integrated
African, Creole and/or African American language into their
classrooms or 2) posters that describe current innovative research
on this topic.

By participating in the poster session, authors will have the
opportunity to discuss their work with the internationally-known
scholars who will attend the Symposium and interact with other
teachers dealing with similar issues. The goal is to encourage a
support network for circulating information on research, policy and

To submit a poster for the poster session, please send the following
information by September 15:

         *         Poster Title
         *         Author Information:
         *         Name:
         *         Institution Affiliation:
         *         Address:
         *         Phone:
         *         Fax:
         *         Email:
         *         Names of additional authors
         *         A 250 - word Abstract

Send this information in a Word document to adle at
Receipt of submissions will be acknowledged via email within 72
hours. Please write "POSTER SESSION" in the subject heading of your

There will be a dedicated poster session on Thursday October 5th
from 5:05-6:30pm when poster presenters will be available for
questions and discussion. Outside this poster session, posters will
be on continuous display for the duration of the Symposium.

Those whose posters are accepted will be notified about further
details regarding support and supplies for setting up posters as
well as guidelines for display.

For further information, please contact Tavis Jules at
tdj2101 at <mailto:tdj2101 at>

Click on the image below to to get to our website.  If you do not
see the image below, visit
for complete information on the upcoming International Symposium
on African & Diasporic Languages & Education at Teachers College.



International Symposium on African & Diasporic Languages and


International Symposium on African & Diasporic Languages and


International Symposium on African & Diasporic Languages and


International Symposium on African & Diasporic Languages and


International Symposium on African & Diasporic Languages and

If you do not see the image above, visit for complete information
on the upcoming International Symposium on African & Diasporic
Languages & Education.

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