testing proficiency

Arden Ogg arden.ogg at GMAIL.COM
Wed Nov 13 15:30:32 UTC 2013

Hi Monica,

I can suggest two connections, though they're both somewhat indirect:

Lori Morris is working with culturally-appropriate language-and-reading assessment instruments for children. Her main project at the moment is working with Innu-speaking kids at Pessamit in Québec. She certainly has a lot of experience observing teacher proficiency: I would love to see her consider this problem. Since she follows this list, I'm sure she can tell you more herself. 

Ken Paupanekis of Winnipeg (a first-language speaker of Swampy Cree from Norway House who teaches Cree at the University of Manitoba) hasn't been involved directly with the Algonquian Conference, but, as a former teacher, principal and (I think even) school board superintendent, he is regularly involved with school assessments, which I believe are required at intervals by the Manitoba Department of Education. Ken is a member of the Cree Literacy Network. He does not follow this list, but I'd be happy to make an introduction if you like. 


On Nov 13, 2013, at 8:13 AM, Monica Macaulay <mmacaula at wisc.edu> wrote:

> Good morning,
> I was talking to some of the people who work on Menominee language revitalization last week, and they were talking about how they need some sort of tool for testing the proficiency of their teachers.  Since this is way out of my area of expertise, I said I'd ask around.  Do any of you know anything about this?
> It would seem to me that any such tool would have to be specialized to work for Algonquian languages (and more specifically in this case tailored for Menominee).  I mean, you would have to know whether or not to test things like conjunct order, right?
> And one further point:  such an evaluation would ideally (I would think) be tied to a curriculum - another thing they're working on.  But is it possible to do any kind of testing without that?
> Thanks for any leads or hints you can give me.
> - Monica
> Monica Macaulay
> Department of Linguistics
> University of Wisconsin
> 1168 Van Hise Hall
> 1220 Linden Drive
> Madison, WI  53706
> phone (608) 262-2292
> fax (608) 265-3193
> http://monicamacaulay.com/

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