PAC publicity advice needed

Monica Macaulay mmacaula at WISC.EDU
Thu Aug 7 20:11:12 UTC 2014

Hi everyone,

Now that PAC (Papers of the Algonquian Conference) has been moved over to book status (instead of journal status), we get actual publicity and promotion help from SUNY Press!  The Promotions Manager emailed me with a bunch of questions, and I wondered if you could help me figure out the right answers to give him.  Here are the relevant ones:

2.       Please list any academic conferences, in order of importance, where this issue should be displayed. I’ll share this information with our Exhibits Manager Michelle Alamillo and ask her to contact you should she have any further conference related questions.

Obviously the Algonquian Conference is one, and I think the Annual Meeting of the LSA/SSILA would be another.  What else?  Here are some ideas - I’d appreciate your feedback:
	* AAA?
	* what’s the Ethnohistory conference that we sometimes have a scheduling conflict with?
	* what else?  I just really don’t know.
4.       Who are the potential reviewers (print journals, blogs, websites) for this issue?

Here I would suggest IJAL.  Other ideas?

The other thing we’re going to need help with is getting libraries back as buyers of the volume.  It’s really important to get circulation up because the Press will not want to keep us on if nobody buys the volumes.  So please beg your library, if you’re affiliated with one, to buy the volumes.  The info is at, and it’s available in paper & electronic format.


Monica Macaulay
Department of Linguistics
University of Wisconsin
1168 Van Hise Hall
1220 Linden Drive
Madison, WI  53706
phone (608) 262-2292
fax (608) 265-3193

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