[Algonquiana] Information needed about Master-Apprentice and immersion programs

Genee, Inge inge.genee at uleth.ca
Wed Jan 27 23:49:14 UTC 2016

Dear colleagues,

I would like to thank you all for sending in so many useful responses to my query from earlier below. I received many offers and suggestions for other people, way more than I would have time or money to invite. It looks like our program is filling up nicely and I hope to able to talk to those of you who expressed an interest in other contexts soon.

Thanks again, it is wonderful to have so much help!


From: Algonquiana [mailto:algonquiana-bounces at listserv.linguistlist.org] On Behalf Of Genee, Inge
Sent: Tuesday, January 05, 2016 12:10 PM
Subject: [Algonquiana] Information needed about Master-Apprentice and immersion programs

Dear colleagues,

I am teaching a course on language endangerment and revitalization for which I am looking for guest speakers who can speak about promising practices in indigenous language teaching and learning. I have some funds for travel and accommodation to Lethbridge, Alberta.

I am particularly interested in inviting people who are involved in immersion and dual language programs in schools or who work with communities and families to promote the language outside of the school setting or who have experience with Master-Apprentice type programs.

At the University of Lethbridge we are also beginning to look into ways in which we might restructure the Blackfoot language program in the near future. In that context I am looking for information on promising or successful Master-Apprentice programs, in particular programs that are integrated into university level degree programs where participants are able to earn course credit for their language work. I would like to invite someone who could speak about their experience in this area not only to talk to my class but also to help me present ideas to the faculty.

In terms of timing, the course runs this semester on Monday afternoons from January until early April. A date in February or March would probably work best, but other possibilities can be explored as well.

Any suggestions gratefully received!

Thanks in advance.


Inge Genee, PhD
  Associate Professor of Linguistics
  Chair, Department of Modern Languages
  Associate member, Department of Native American Studies
  Room C508, University of Lethbridge
  4401 University Drive
  Lethbridge, AB T1K 3M4, Canada
  Ph. +1-403-380-1809
  Email inge.genee at uleth.ca<mailto:inge.genee at uleth.ca>
        Editor, Canadian Journal of Netherlandic Studies
        Email CJNS-editor at caans-acaen.ca<mailto:CJNS-editor at caans-acaen.ca>

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