[Algonquiana] Algonquian Conference issue to consider

MONICA MACAULAY mmacaula at wisc.edu
Sat Apr 22 18:24:34 UTC 2017

Hello fellow Algonquianists,

As you may or may not know, we had some trouble getting a venue for the 49th AC, until Jimena Terraza and Marie-Pierre Bousquet generously stepped up and offered to do it in Montreal.

However, I’ve been thinking recently about how the big number FIFTY is looming, in 2018. It seems to me that we should make sure to have a plan in place early for this significant event, especially since in many places you need to reserve rooms more than a year in advance.

So I’m writing to ask if any of you might have thoughts of hosting the 50th Algonquian Conference in 2018!!!

- Monica

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