[Algonquiana] Native Voices Endowment grants available

MONICA MACAULAY mmacaula at wisc.edu
Mon Aug 27 14:27:19 UTC 2018

The Native Voices Endowment (NVE) 2018 Request for Proposals is now available on the Endangered Language Fund website: http://www.endangeredlanguagefund.org/native-voices-endowment.html. The NVE program was created within ELF for the purpose of revitalizing and maintaining the Indigenous languages of the American Indian Nations whose ancestors encountered the 1803-1806 Lewis & Clark expedition. For details about eligibility, please see our website.

If you have any questions, please email us at elf at yale dot edu.

Monica Macaulay, President

Kristine Hildebrandt, Vice President

Endangered Language Fund

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