[Algonquiana] The 56th Algonquian Conference

Monica Macaulay mmacaula at wisc.edu
Wed Apr 10 18:01:38 UTC 2024


The 56th Algonquian Conference will be held at the First Americans Museum in Oklahoma City, OK, 24-27 October 2024. This will be the first time that the conference will have been held in a state where 12 Algonquian tribes are based. The call for papers is in process, with a likely deadline of 1 September 2024. Further details will come later, but here are some highlights:

A special session, funded by the National Science Foundation, on technology in language documentation and revitalization. Daryl Baldwin will be a keynote speaker.

A special session on language and health. Melissa Walls and Melissa Lewis will be two keynote speakers.

A banquet, with language activists from the Oklahoma tribes being honored.

Two tours of the language archives at the Sam Noble Museum at the University of Oklahoma in Norman.

Free access to the museum exhibits the hour before the banquet.

Along with the usual smorgasbord of presentations!

We hope to see you there.

Doug Whalen, Raina Heaton and Jim Pepper Henry, organizers.

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