ALT News 20

Johan van der Auwera auwera at
Fri Jun 19 11:35:49 UTC 1998

ALT News No. 20
June 1998

1. Membership Renewal
2. ALT III: Announcement and Call for Papers
3. Junior Award 1999
5. Recently Published

1. Membership Renewal

It is highly likely that everyone in good standing will have received an
invoice from Walter de  Gruyter (Berlin) as well as a copy of Linguistic
Typology Volume 2, Issue 1.

The easiest way for most people to pay the membership fee is by credit
card. Just like in 1997, write the credit card details (type, number,
expiry date) on the the invoice, sign it and send it back to Walter de
Gruyter, Berlin. If payment by credit card is impossible, transfer the
money to any of the acounts mentioned at the bottom of the invoice.
Payment by EUROCHEQUE is possible too.

The membership rates, you will have noticed, have not changed. Thus
regular members pay 98 DM or 60 US $, and student members 57 DM or 35 US
$. Postage is extra but depends on where you live.

2. ALT III: Announcement and Call for Papers

The third meeting of the Association for Linguistic Typology (ALT III)
will be held at the University of Amsterdam, from August 26 to August
29, 1999. The first day of the meeting will be devoted to a workshop on
creoles. The local organizer for ALT III will be Dr. Casper de Groot,
IFOTT/ATW, Spuistraat 210, NL-1012 VT Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Members and non-members wishing to present a paper at ALT III are asked
to send SIX copies of a one-page abstract to the chair of the program
committee, Prof. Scott DeLancey (address below), to reach him no later
than March 1, 1999. A second page (six copies) may be attached to the
abstract listing data. The program committee will, by May 1, 1999,
convey its decision on acceptance of papers to those submitting

Each abstract should include the author's name (or authors' names) and
mailing address (please, just one mailing address for multiple authors),
including telephone, fax, and e-mail address as available. Each abstract
should specify the amount of time requested for the presentation,
including discussion, which may be 30, 45, or 60 minutes. Members may
also submit abstracts for symposia, including the names of participants
and the amount of time requested (which may, of course, exceed 60

Address for mailing abstracts:
Professor Scott DeLancey
Department of Linguistics
University of Oregon
Eugene, OR  97403-1290, USA

Further details of the meeting will appear in subsequent issues of ALT
News. We look forward to seeing you all in Amsterdam next August.

3. Junior Award 1999

The Association for Linguistic Typology proposes to make a Junior Award
for the best piece of typological research embodied in a dissertation or
thesis or equivalent submitted between 1 January 1997 and 31 December
1998 for an MA or PhD or equivalent degree. The award will consist of
payment of travel and per diem expenses and registration fee to attend
ALT-3, to be held in Amsterdam at the end of August 1999, and
presentation of the awardee's work as a plenary lecture at that meeting.

Those wishing to be considered for this award are asked to submit FIVE
copies of their thesis or dissertation to the President of ALT at the
address given below, to arrive no later than Monday, 1 March 1999. Work
submitted will not be returned. Applicants who encounter financial
difficulties in preparing and mailing five copies of their thesis, etc.,
may contact the President of ALT for a subvention. If their application
is approved, they will be asked to mail one copy of their thesis, etc.,
and ALT will cover the costs of preparing the other copies.

Work submitted will be evaluated by a jury consisting of the following:

Matthew Dryer
Gilbert Lazard
Edith Moravcsik
Frans Plank
Masayoshi Shibatani

The jury may seek expert advice from other scholars, e.g. if a piece of
work is written in a language that members of the jury cannot read.

Please address all queries, and send work for submission, to the ALT
President at the following address:

Bernard Comrie
MPI for Evolutionary Anthropology
Inselstrasse 22
D-04103 Leipzig

e-mail: comrie at


The ALT discussion list (LingTyp) is a discussion list accessible to all
members of ALT. New members will be added to the list automatically.  To
contribute something to the discussion list, send a message to


To sign off from the list, send the e-mail message SIGNOFF LINGTYP
NAME at HOST (where "name at host" is your own email address) to the following


If you want to sign on again later, contact Peter Kahrel.

More information on LISTSERV commands can be found in the LISTSERV
reference card, which you can retrieve by sending an "INFO REFCARD"
command to


5.  Recently Published

You may have noticed that LT does not list Publications Received.
Instead we use the ALT News to bring recent publications relating to
typology to your attention.  If you'd like to review any of those
listed, or others that have escaped our attention, get in touch with:

Frans Plank
Universitaet Konstanz
D-78457 Konstanz
E-mail:  frans.plank at
Tel:   +49-(0)7531-88 2656, 88 2465, home +49-(0)7531-57450
Fax:   +49-(0)7531-88 4190

Please drop us a line (same address) if you're aware of titles we seem
unaware of.  And drop you're publishers a line reminding them to send us
review copies of your own works.

Abondolo, Daniel (ed.) (1997). The Uralic Languages. (Routledge Language
Family Descriptions.) London: Routledge.

Bertinetto, Pier Marco, Livio Gaeta, Georgi Jetchev, David Michaels
(eds.) (1997). Certamen Phonologicum III: Papers from the Third Cortona
Phonology Meeting, April 1996. Torino: Rosenberg & Sellier.

Boeder, Winfried, Christoph Schroeder, Karl-Heinz Wagner, & Wolfgang
Wildgen (eds.) (1998). Sprache in Raum und Zeit. In memoriam Johannes
Bechert. 2 volumes. Tübingen: Narr.

Dik, Simon C. (1998). The Theory of Functional Grammar. Part 1: The
Structure of the Clause (second, revised edition); Part 2: Complex and
Derived Constructions. Edited by Kees Hengeveld. 2 volumes. Berlin: De

Dixon, R. M. W. (1997). The Rise and Fall of Languages. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.

Erelt, Mati (ed.) (1997). Estonian: Typological Studies II. (Tartu
Ülikooli Eesti Keele Õppetooli Toimetised, 8.)  Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli
Kirjastuse trükikoda.

Feuillet, Jack (ed.) (1998). Actance et valence dans les langues de
l'Europe. (Empirical Approaches to Language Typology, EUROTYP, 20-2.)
Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

Grenoble, Lenore & Lindsay J. Whaley (eds.) (1998). Endangered
Languages: Current Issues and Future Prospects. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.

Harvey, Mark & Nicholas Reid (eds.) (1997). Nominal Classification in
Aboriginal Australia. (Studies in Language Companion Series, 37.)
Amsterdam: Benjamins.

Haspelmath, Martin (1997). From Space to Time: Temporal Adverbials in
the World's Languages. (LINCOM Studies in Theoretical Linguistics, 3.)
München: LINCOM Europa.

Heine, Bernd (1997). Cognitive Foundations of Grammar. New York: Oxford
University Press.

Himmelmann, Nikolaus (1997). Deiktikon, Artikel, Nominalphrase: Zur
Emergenz syntaktischer Struktur. (Linguistische Arbeiten, 362.)
Tübingen: Niemeyer.

Kortmann, Bernd (1997). A Cross-Linguistic Dictionary of Adverbial
Subordinators. (Linguistic Data on Diskette.) München: Lincom Europa.

Kulikov, Leonid & Heinz Vater (eds.) (1998). Typology of Verbal
Categories: Papers Presented to Vladimir Nedjalkov on the Occasion of
his 70th Birthday. (Linguistische Arbeiten, 382.) Tübingen: Niemeyer.

Lazard, Gilbert (ed.) (1997). La typologie actancielle. Special issue of
Studi Italiani di Linguistica Teorica e Applicata.

Morpurgo Davies, Anna (1997). History of Linguistics, volume 4:
Nineteenth Century Linguistics. London: Longman.

Nerbonne, John (ed.) (1998). Linguistic Databases. (CSLI Lecture Notes,
77.) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Nordlinger, Rachel (1998).  Constructive Case: Evidence from Australian
Languages.  Stanford: CSLI Publications

Pustet, Regina (1998). Diskursprominenz und Rollensemantik: Eine
funktionale Typologie von Partizipationssystemen. (Edition Linguistik,
14.) München: LINCOM.

Siewierska, Anna (ed.) (1998). Constituent Order in the Language of
Europe. (Empirical Approaches to Language Typology, EUROTYP, 20-1.)
Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

Siewierska, Anna & Jae Jung Song (eds.) (1998). Case, Typology and
Grammar: In Honor of Barry J. Blake. (Typological Studies in Language,
38.) Amsterdam: Benjamins.

Smith, Carlota S. (1997). The Parameter of Aspect. (Second Edition.)
(Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy, 43.) Dordrecht: Kluwer.

Spencer, Andrew & Arnold M. Zwicky (eds.) (1998). The Handbook of
Morphology. Oxford: Blackwell.

Steever, Sanford B. (1998). The Dravidian Languages. (Routledge Language
Family Descriptions.) London: Routledge.

Xrakovskij, Viktor S. (ed.) (1997). Typology of Iterative Constructions.
(LINCOM Studies in Theoretical Linguistics, 4.) München: LINCOM.

Zaefferer, Dietmar (ed.) (1998). Deskriptive Grammatik und allgemeiner
Sprachvergleich. (Linguistische Arbeiten, 383.) Tübingen: Niemeyer.


Bernard Comrie
MPI for Evolutionary Anthropology
Inselstrasse 22
D-04103 Leipzig
E-mail: comrie at
Fax: +49-341-9952119

Frans Plank
Universitaet Konstanz
D-78457 Konstanz
E-mail:  frans.plank at
Fax:   +49-(0)7531-88 4190

Johan van der Auwera
Universiteit Antwerpen (UIA)
Linguistiek (GER)
B-2610 Antwerpen
E-mail: auwera at
Fax: +32-3-8202762

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