Program in Malay at the advanced level (fwd)

Waruno Mahdi mahdi at FHI-Berlin.MPG.DE
Thu Mar 25 12:50:32 UTC 1999

I've been asked to forward the following message (please answer/apply
only to the address given at the end of the message):

The Program for Indonesian and Malaysian Abroad  is urgently
seekingapplicants for the Program in Malay at the advanced level to take
this coming summer at Universiti Kebangsaan, Bangi, Selangor.

The program has been funded and is open to advanced students of Indonesian
or  Malay who are beyond the level of the programs offered by the SEASSI.
Funding is available for US Citizens including transportation and tuition
and a limited  number of stipends.

For further information and application forms please apply
by e-mail to
                  Professor Dustin Cowell <dcowell at>

As time is  short, the applications must arrive very  soon.

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