Fwd: Indonesian list

M.A.F. Klamer by way of Steve Trussel <steve@gol.com> klamerm at let.vu.nl
Mon May 17 11:19:55 UTC 1999

To:		smtp[AN-LANG at anu.edu.au]
From:		klamerm at mede@taalk
Date:		Monday, May 17, 1999 at 9:13:02 am MET
Attached:	None

Dear fellow linguists:
    We are currently putting together a list of linguists working on
Indonesian and languages in Indonesia. If you would like your name added
to the list, please fill in the registration form below.

First language:
Mailing address:
Contact number:
Email address:
Interests (geographical/specific languages):
Interests (theoretical):
Title of MA thesis and/or PhD dissertation
Year obtained:

If possible, please attach a recent CV and list of pulbication.

Send to: <bkaswanti at fkip.atmajaya.ac.id>

Yours sincerely,
Bambang Kaswanti Purwo
Universitas Atma Jaya
Jakarta Indonesia
bkaswanti at fkip.atmajaya.ac.id (Bambang Kaswanti)

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