AN-Biblio and ESfO-l-Biblio

Jeff Marck jeff.marck at
Sun Oct 3 02:24:47 UTC 1999

AN-Lang and ESfO-l Subscribers,

For the past several years I have helped maintain the AN-Lang (Austronesian
linguistics) and ESfO-l (European Society for Oceanists) email lists. I
have also maintained the ASAL (Association for the Study of Austronesian
Languages) web site and the bibliographies portion of the ESfO web site.

Neither the Austronesianists nor the ESfO people have ever submitted many
new titles through the web sites and I am told this is a common experience
with other academic organizations. Therefore, I am going to eliminate those
pages from the web sites, discontinue plans for searchable bibliographies
through those web sites, and eventually substitute them with downloads of
titles I get by other means. This will not be of the quality that could
have built up if people got into the habit of submitting their new titles
but I don't think things will change and don't want to wring my hands about

Thanks to those very few people who actually made submissions through the
web sites.

All the best,

Jeff Marck
Webmaster, Association for the Study of Austronesian Languages
Assisting Web Developer, European Society for Oceanists

Jeff Marck
Email Address:	jeff.marck at
USA Website:
Australia Website:

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