Tagalog:: old dictionaries

Ashlee Bailey ashleecb at socrates.berkeley.edu
Fri Sep 10 20:07:32 UTC 1999

ashleecb at socrates.berkeley.edu

On Fri, 10 Sep 1999, potetjp wrote:

>     I already informed some of you individually last year about this,
> but I think it my duty to extend this information to all subscribers.
>     The Spanish publisher LIBRERIAS "PARIS-VALENCIA", Pelayo 7. 46007 VALENCIA. SPAIN
> have facsimiles of several books related to the Philippines.
> In particular, the famous Pedro DE SAN BUENAVENTURA (1613), Vocabulario de lengua tagala - an incunabulum. The softbound facsimile cost me about US$60 - a song as compared to the US$1,000 the National British Library quoted me for a loose-leaf xerox copy of their original.
>     Ateneo de Manila University Press, P. O. BOX 154, MANILA 0917, PHILIPPINES, 4  should be marketing Miguel RUIZ (ca. 1630), Bocabulario tagalo within a couple of years in their Pulong series.. I have a  hardbound prevew copy of this very attractive book. It is the transcript of an unpublished manuscript. The text still contains many errors, misinterpretations and misprints, but all these should be straightened out in the near future. The printing is very pleasantly and comfortably space out. in large 12pt types.
> i    The Spanish spelling of the time is only slightly different from
the modern. The real difficulties come from style and all the things that were taken for granted by authors, but are now lost for us.. Theer are also some odd features such as LL for RL, e;d. DALLE for DARLE.
>     Talking about old Tagalog related documents, does any one of you know where I could obtain a xerox copy of  Thomas PINPIN (1610) , Lirbong pagaaralan nang manga Tagalog nan uicang Castilla./Libro en qve aprendan los Tagalos la lengua Castellana?
> In his Biblioteca Filipina , Pardo de Tavera (1903), p. 309, # 1983, says this small treatise was also published under the same cover as the 1752 and 1832 editions of the Francisco (Blancas) DE SAN JOSE(PH)  (1610), Arte y reglas de la lengva tagala, and as separate booklets.

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