
potetjp potetjp at wanadoo.fr
Wed Dec 6 13:30:15 UTC 2000

You've got the real MacCoy. I only have the translation of Renaissance into
20th-c. French. Unfortunalety Peillard does not have the Malay phrase:
"Alors le marchand dit au roi dans son langage : « Regarde bien, roi, ce que
tu feras [...] ». (Peillard 1984: 147).
The Malay phrase is in Blair & Robertson : "Alhoro el moro merchadante disse
al re Cata raia chita [...]"  (B&R 33:138) / = "Thereupon the Moro merchant
said to the king _Cata raia chita_" (B&R 33:138).
You are right the "Siamese" was a Malay Muslim. This is very useful because
I'll be quite cautious from now on when I read something referring to
Siamese in the Philippines.
If the term Moro had not been used by Pigafetta, the merchant could have
been a Siamese who had learned Malay for his trade. With it, all doubt is
Thanks a lot, and the deepest kowtow

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