AN-Lang Virus

Jeff Marck jeff.marck at
Sat May 6 13:33:27 UTC 2000

AN-Lang Subscribers,

I coordinate subscriptions, take care of list errors and so forth for the
AN-Lang email list.

Most of you are probably aware by now that one of our subscribers was "hit"
by a "worm" virus and that the virus was forwarded to the list.

Please be aware that it is impossible to prevent this sort of thing at the
list management level and subscribers can only be careful not to open
text-less messages with *.exe or other files attached.

On another matter. I am no longer at ANU and my account there has expired.
So the old AN-Lang web site has died. No thanks to the infamous Dr Matthew
Ciolek who refused to make a special address for the web site and forced us
to use a personal account for the association's web site a number of years
ago when the web site was first set up. As I explained to him at that time,
this would eventually leave us in the position of changing an association's
web address, losing all the links that built up over the years (Linguist-l,
university department web sites, etc.).

Linguistics-RSPAS-ANU is now working to rebuild the site with a permanent
address. Ciolek still has his hand in RSPAS account management but possible
he has changed his ways. Harrumph.

Jeff Marck
AN-Lang Email List

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