200 word list for historical query

Fay Wouk wouk at ccu1.auckland.ac.nz
Fri Oct 20 01:58:17 UTC 2000

John Lynch suggested that it would be a good idea to post the word
list, as many people may not have access to the source volume. So
here it is.

From: Blust, Subgrouping, Circularity and Extinction: Some Issues in
Austronesian Comparative Linguistics, 8ICAL:31-94, 1999.

No.          PAn                    English

001          (qa)lima          hand
002          ka-wiRi           left side
003          ka-wanaN          right side
004          qaqay             leg, foot
005          sakay/uSa         walk, go
006          zalan             road
007          (?)               come
008          (?)               turn
009          Nanguy            swim
010          (?)               dirty
011          (?)               dust
012          qaNiC             skin
013          likud             back
014          tiaN              belly
015          CuqelaN           bone
016          Cinaqi            guts
017          qaCay             liver
018          susu              breast
019          qabaRa            shoulder
020          bajaq             know
021          -ajem/nemnem      think
022          ma-takut          afraid
023          daRaq             blood
024          qulu              head
025          liqeR             neck
026          bukeS             head hair
027          mujing            nose
028          (?)               breathe
029          Sajek             to smell
030          ngusu(?)          mouth
031          nipen             tooth
032          Sema              tongue
033          Cawa              laugh
034          Cangis            cry
035          utaq              vomit
036          (?)               spit
037          kaen              eat
038          qelqel            chew
039          tanek             cook
040          mimah(?)          drink
041          kaRat             bite
042          sepsep            suck
043          Calinga           ear
044          tumaNa            hear
045          maCa              eye
046          kita              see
047          ma-Suab/ma-Suaw   yawn
048          tuduR             sleep
049          (?)               lie down
050          Sepi              dream
051          (?)               sit
052          diRi              stand
053          Cau               person
054          ma-RuqaNay        male/man
055          bahi              female/woman
056          aNak              child
057          (?)               husband
058          (?)               wife
059          t-ina             mother
060          t-ama             father
061          Rumaq             house
062          Cawali(?)         roof/thatch
063          ngajan            name
064          (?)               say
065          CaliS             rope
066          (?)               to tie
067          taSiq             sew
068          zaRum             needle
069          qaNup             to hunt
070          panaq             shoot
071          (?)               stab
072          palu              hit, beat
073          Cakaw             steal
074          p-aCay            kill
075          m-aCay            die, dead
076          ma-qudip          live, alive
077          kaRaw             scratch an itch
078          taRaq/tektek      cut (wood)
079          kaSiw             wood
080          (?)               split
081          Cazem(?)          sharp
082          (?)               blunt, dull
083          qumah             work (in fields)
084          mula              to plant
085          piliq             choose
086          (?)               grow
087          Ribawa/baReq      swell
088          peReq             squeeze
089          gemgem            hold (in fist)
090          kalih             dig up
091          baliw/beli        buy
092          (?)               to open
093          tutuh             to pound
094          (?)               throw
095          (?)               fall
096          asu/wasu          dog
097          qayam             bird
098          qiCeluR           egg
099          (?)               feather
100          paNid             wing
101          layap             to fly
102          labaw             rat
103          Sesi/isi          meat, flesh
104          SimaR             fat, oil
105          ikuR              tail
106          SulaR             snake
107          kulay             earthworm
108          kuCu              head louse
109          likeS             mosquito
110          kakaCu            spider
111          Sikan             fish
112          ma-buRuk          rotten
113          (?)               branch
114          biRaq             leaf
115          RameC/RamiS       root
116          (?)               flower
117          buaq              fruit
118          Cemel             grass
119          daReq             earth, soil
120          batu              stone
121          bunaj/qenay       sand
122          daNum             water (fresh)
123          qaluR(?)          to flow
124          tenem             sea, salt water
125          qasiRa/timus      salt
126          danaw             lake
127          kaSiw-kaSiw-an    forest
128          langiC            sky
129          bulaN/qiNaS       moon
130          bituqen           star
131          lemlem(?)         cloud
132          (?)               fog, mist
133          quzaN             rain
134          deRung(?)         thunder
135          likaC             lightning
136          bali              wind
137          Siup              to blow
138          (?)               warm, hot
139          (?)               cold
140          ma-qaRiw          dry
141          (?)               wet
142          (?)               heavy
143          Sapuy             fire
144          CuNuh             burn
145          CebuN/qebel       smoke
146          qabu              ash
147          CengeN            black
148          ma-puNi           white
149          ma-taNah(?)       red
150          (?)               yellow
151          mataq             green
152          kedi              small
153          ma-Raya           big
154          (?)               short (height)
155          inaduq(?)         long (objects)
156          ma-NiSepis        thin (materials)
157          ma-kaSepal        thick
158          (?)               narrow
159          ma-lawas(?)       wide
160          (?)               sick, painful
161          ma-Siaq           shy, ashamed
162          ma-tuqaS          old (people)
163          ma-baqeRu         new
164          (?)               good
165          kuya              bad
166          (?)               correct, true
167          beRngi            night
168          qalejaw           day
169          kawaS             year
170          ija-n             when?
171          buNi              hide
172          dakiS(?)          climb
173          i/di              at
174          i-dalem           in, inside
175          i-babaw/i-taqas   above
176          (?)               below
177          i-ni              this
178          (?)               that
179          ma-azaNih         near
180          ma-dawiN          far
181          i-nu              where?
182          i-aku             I
183          i-kaSu            you
184          si-ia             he/she
185          i-kita/kami       we (incl./excl.)
186          i-kamu            you (pl.)
187          (?)               they
188          n-anu(?)          what?
189          si-ima            who?
190          duma              other
191          amin              all
192          ka/mah            and
193          ka/nu             if
194          kuja/numa(?)      how?
195          ini               no, not
196          SipuR             count
197          esa/isa           one
198          duSa              two
199          telu              three
200          Sepat             four

Fay Wouk
Institute of Linguistics
University of Auckland
ccu1 at auckland.ac.nz
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