Austronesian partitives
Yura Lander
land_yu at
Tue Apr 17 18:19:43 UTC 2001
Dear colleagues,
Working on partitive constructions in Austronesian
languages, I have found that most (although,
fortunately, not all) grammars simply omit the
description of partitives. Can anyone help me with
data and references?
For the sake of simplicity, I have limited myself to
OVERT partitives with numerals (e.g., ²three of these
people⌡), since a number of quantifiers presuppose
partitivity and hence need no special construction.
I am particularly interested in:
1) similarities between partitives and possessives
and/or locatives (in the last case an important
question is whether these locatives MUST be placed in
one NP with the numeral),
2) the expression of plural in the embedded NP,
3) the referentiality of the whole partitive NP.
Thank you, and
Best wishes.
Yura Lander
land_yu at
Yury A. Lander
Dept. of Languages
Institute of Oriental Studies
Rozhdestvenka, 12
Moscow 103031
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