2 more Qs about Indonesian...

Whitney Anne Postman wap2 at cornell.edu
Tue Feb 27 03:08:24 UTC 2001

Hello again! Thanks to everyone who sent me their comments and
corrections. Since pronominal agents are tricky in "Baku" Indonesian,
I thought I'd ask if the following examples with proper names are

(1) 	a. Anak itu dapat dijaga Gita sendiri
	b. Anak itu dapat Gita jaga sendiri
	'Gita can look after the child herself'

(2) 	a. Lukisan itu dibuat Mentary sendiri
	b. Lukisan itu Mentary buat sendiri
	'Mentary did the painting herself'

My second question concerns understood agents and control. In (3),
there is an understood agent, so that the adverbial purpose phrase is
OK, right?

(3) 	Pegawai itu disogok dengan sengaja.
	'The official was bribed deliberately'

If (3) is grammatical, I wonder how fluent speakers interpret the
next 2 sentences. Specifically, who is trying to avoid the draft--
the official or the understood agent? Is it ambiguous?

(4)	a. Pegawai itu disogok untuk melarikan diri dari tugas wajib militer
	b. Pegawai itu disogok untuk menghindari wajib militer
	'The official got bribed to avoid the draft'

Thanks all!

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under the attribute of thought, now under the attribute of
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Whitney Anne Postman
Graduate Student, Ph.D. Candidate
Field of Linguistics and Cognitive Studies Program
campus address: Morrill Hall, Dept. of Linguistics, Ithaca N.Y. 14853-4701

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