"duduk" and "tinggal" in Malay and Bahasa Indonesia

roslynplace at altavista.com roslynplace at altavista.com
Mon Jan 8 19:03:47 UTC 2001

I've been trying to teach myself Malay.  I've come across  a number of expressions in which "duduk" is used in the sense of "living" in a place and at other times I've seen 'tinggal".  When I looked up the meanings, I got "duduk" meaning "live,  sit,  stay" and "tinggal" meaning "live,  reside,  remain".  My question:  are these two usages really interchangeable when used in the sense of living in a place,  or does "tinggal" have a more permanent implication (which the definition seems to suggest)?  Many thanks for any help that you can give me.


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