No subject

Hadrien Dhont hadrien.dhont at
Sun May 20 16:40:32 UTC 2001

Dear Austronesianists,

I'm a student from Paris, France and I'm working on a lexicon of
nautical terms in several austronesian languages (indonesian,
javanese, madurese, bugis, makassar, cebuano and ilokano). So far, I
have managed to get most of the terms i have choosen but, of course,
some are missing.Could you please help me fill some blanks or give me
bibliographical indications. The terms I'm looking for are below :

Thwarts (in cebuano and ilokano)
Rudder post (in cebuano, ilokano and bugis)
Rudder thwarts (in cebuano and ilokano)
Halyard (in cebuano and ilokano)
Cabin (in javanese, madurese)
Hull (in bugis)
Gaff (in cebuano and ilokano)
Spar crutch (in cebuano and ilokano)

Don't hesitate to contact me for further informations.

Best regards.

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