P.S. to Fwd: Re: Summary of "Focus system in non-Philippine languages"

pnaylor at umich.edu pnaylor at umich.edu
Tue Jul 2 15:00:44 UTC 2002

P.S.  Please see also George B. Milner (ca. 1984) re focus in Fijian;  in Naylor, ed. (1979), Raleigh Ferrell and Patricia Stanley on focus in Austronesian in general and in Paiwan in particular AND Michael R. Thomas on focus in Bahasa Indonesia.

I could refer to many more earlier publications on focus in non-Philippine languages but I am unable to rattle them off at present since I am in Brooklyn NY - 650 miles away from home in Ann Arbor MI.

Hope this is informative. With kind regards to all.  Paz

-------- Original Message --------
>From: pnaylor at umich.edu
>To: Vanish8080 at aol.com,
    " AUSTRONESIAN LANGUAGES AND LINGUISTICS" <AN-LANG at anu.edu.au>,potetjp at wanadoo.fr
>Date: 1 Jul 2002 15:43:21 PST
>Subject: Re: Summary of "Focus system in non-Philippine languages"
>May I call your attention to my paper, "Toward Focus in Austronesian" presented at SICAL in Canberra in 1978, subsequently published in the SICAL volume in 1979, edited by Wurm and Carrington?
>Re Malagasy,  In Professor Dahl's correspondence with me in connection with his work on Malagasy and its system of focus, he expressed the view that the basic 4-focus system of Tagalog corresponded perfectly with that of Malagasy.
>-------- Original Message --------
>>From: Vanish8080 at aol.com
>>Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2002 14:00:47 EDT
>>Subject: Summary of "Focus system in non-Philippine languages"
>>In a message dated 6/24/02 3:29:46 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
>>Vanish8080 at aol.com writes:
>>> So my question is, does the focus system exist in Austronesian languages
>>>  from the Philippines?  And if so, could you list a sample of affixes or
>>>  trigger markers used?
>>My thanks to Frédéric Plessis, Jean-Paul Potet, Laurie Reid, Erik Zobel, and
>>Waruno Mahdi for providing in-depth answers to my question. They all
>>responded to me privately, so I'll summarize here.
>>I've had not much exposure, obviously, with non-Philippine Austronesian
>>languages and wondered if the focus system had survived outside of the
>>Philippines.  I was surprised to find out from Laurie Reid that it's "found
>>in many of the Formosan languages, also in languages in Sulawesi, and as far
>>west as Malgache in Madagascar, although in a great variety of different
>>forms."  According to Erik Zobel, "complete loss is observed in many
>>languages of Eastern Indonesia, e.g. Tetum." Frédéric Plessis says that "it
>>is clear that Philippines languages are the most conservative from this point
>>of view."
>>Below, is a sample of affixes that Erik Zobel provided me:
>>Mayrinax Atayal (Taiwan): AV <UM>, PV -un, LV -an, IV si-
>>Tondano (North Sulawesi): AV <UM>, PV -en, LV -an, IV i-
>>Kimaragang Dusun (Sabah): AV moN-, PV -on, LV -an, IV i-
>>And here is what Jean-Claude Potet had to say about Toba Batak's affixes:
>>"... Toba Batak has the -um- infix as well as the mang-, ma- and pa-
>>prefixes. Besides its mar- prefix corresponds to Tag. mag- (cf. van der
>>Tuuk's RGH law)."
>>And from Waruno Mahdi: "The Malay form alternance referred to earlier
>>involves the use of the suffixes -i and -kan, not any prefixes. Indonesian
>>Malay has meng- and peng-, but no cognate of  *ma- ..." and "For Tag. mag-/
>>TB mar- Malay has ber-, which is quite
>>Below is a list of resources the above people have provided me:
>>Dahl, O.Ch., 1986 , "Focus in Malagasy and Proto-Austronesian", pp. 21-42 in
>>     Paul Geraghty, Lois Carrington, S.A. Wurm (eds.), FOCAL I: Papers from
>>     the Fourth International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics, Pacific
>>     Linguisics series C-93, Canberra: Australian National University.
>>Dahl, O.Ch., 1978, "The Fourth Focus", pp. 383-393 in S.A. Wurm & Lois
>>     Carrington (eds.), Second International Conference on Austronesian
>>     Linguistics: Proceedings, Pacific Linguisics series C-61, Canberra:
>>     Australian National University.
>>Reid, Laurence, (with Andrew Pawley) "The Evolution of Transitive
>>Constructions in
>>Austronesian." In: Paz B. Naylor, Ed., Austronesian Studies: Papers from
>>the Second Eastern Conference on Austronesian Languages. Michigan Papers
>>on South and Southeast Asia, No. 15. Ann Arbor: Center for South and
>>Southeast Asian Studies, The University of Michigan. Pp. 103-130, 1979.
>>Reid, Laurence, (with Stanley Starosta and Andrew Pawley) "The Evolution of
>>Focus in
>>Austronesian." In: Amran Halim, Lois Carrington, and Stephen Wurm, Eds.,
>>Papers from the Third International Conference on Austronesian
>>Linguistics, Vol. 2: Tracking the Travellers. 145-170. Pacific
>>Linguistics Series C, No. 75. Canberra: Australian National University,
>>VAN DER TUUK, Hermann N. (1971) _A grammar of Toba Batak_ The Hague: Martinus
>>Nijhoff Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde [KITLV]
>>Translation Series 13
>>Again, thanks. I appreciate it.
>>--Christopher Sundita
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