[An-lang] COOL6

John Lynch lynch_j at VANUATU.USP.AC.FJ
Mon Nov 3 22:21:57 UTC 2003

Since southern hemisphere Oceanists will soon be heading for a long break, I
though it appropriate to jiggle a few memories and remind people of COOL6,
the Sixth International Conference on Oceanic Linguistics, to be held in
Port Vila in July. Following the first circular, I have received all of TWO
offers of papers. I know there are more out there, and this message might
stimulate a little thinking on a possible topic.

The conference website is:



John Lynch
Pro-VC and Director Pacific Languages Unit
Emalus Campus - USP
PMB 072
Port Vila. Vanuatu.
Phone: +678 22748.  Fax:  +678 22633

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