[An-lang] COOL6 Update

John Lynch lynch_j at VANUATU.USP.AC.FJ
Thu Apr 1 03:32:21 UTC 2004

To those planning to attend COOL6 in Port Vila in July:

1. Rather more detail is now available on accommodation, package deals, etc.
If you need this information, check out the following on our website:

2. For those who have indicated that they will be attending and presenting a
paper, but who have not so far given us a paper title and/or an abstract, we
would be grateful if you could do that soon, so that we can begin putting
together a tentative program.

3. The first "event" on the program will be a welcome cocktail at the
National Museum, around 5 p.m. or so on Sunday 4 July. The conference proper
will kick off on the Monday morning.


John Lynch


John Lynch
Pro-VC and Director Pacific Languages Unit
Emalus Campus - USP
PMB 072
Port Vila. Vanuatu.
Phone: +678 22748.  Fax:  +678 22633

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