[An-lang] New book: the Peopling of East Asia

Laurent Sagart laurent.sagart at ehess.fr
Mon Mar 21 09:35:24 UTC 2005

Dear Colleagues,


Our new book, which contains several papers of interest to Austronesianists (see contents below), has just come out:



            The Peopling of East Asia 
            Putting Together Archaeology, Linguistics and Genetics 
            Edited by: Laurent Sagart, Roger Blench, Alicia Sanchez-Mazas 


                  Pub Date:
                 20 MAR 2005
                 Hardback Book
                 384 pages
                  (Dimensions 234x156 mm)
                 25 line drawings, 12 maps, 1 plate section and 84 tables


            To order the book, go to the T&F (Taylor and Francis) books homepage: http://www.tandf.co.uk/books/, choose the catalogue link on the left of the page to search for the book to order online. 


            The worldwide information can be found by choosing the ordering link on the left of the page. 

            Orders must be placed to the regional sellers in order to take advantage of the cheapest shipping charges. There seems to be some kind of error  on the site, where two books with the same title (Peopling of East Asia), the same editors and publication date are proposed with different ISBN numbers. The correct one is the one with the ISBN starting 0415, but either will result in the book being ordered.


            Best wishes to all,


            Laurent Sagart


      Blurb: one of the most dynamic research areas in the prehistory of East Asian regions is the synthesis of the findings of archaeology, linguistics and genetics. Several countries have only recently opened to field research and highly active local groups have made possible a raft of collaborative studies which would have been impossible even a decade ago. This book presents an overview of the most recent findings in all these fields. The book should be of great interest to scholars of all disciplines working on the reconstruction of the East Asian past.

      Introduction Laurent Sagart, Roger Blench and Alicia Sanchez-Mazas
      1. Examining the Farming/Language Dispersal Hypothesis in the East Asian Context P. Bellwood
      2. From the mountains to the valleys: Understanding ethnolinguistic geography in southeast Asia Roger Blench
      Appendix to 2 Roger Blench
      3. The Origin and Dispersal of Agriculture and Human Diaspora in East Asia T. Lu
      4. Recent discoveries at a tapenkeng culture site in Taiwan: Implications for the problem of Austronesian origins C.H. Tsang
      5. The Contribution of Linguistic Palaeontology to the Homeland of Austroasiatic G. Diffloth
      6. Tibeto-Burman vs. Indo-Chinese: Implications for population geneticists, archaeologists and prehistorians G. Van Driem
      7. Kra-dai and Austronesian: Notes on phonological correspondences and vocabulary distribution W. Ostapirat
      8. The Current Status of Austric: A review and evaluation of the lexical and morphosyntactic evidence L. Reid
      Appendix to 8 L. Reid
      9. Sino-tibetan-austronesian: An updated and improved argument Laurent Sagart
      10. Tai-kadai as a subgroup of Austronesian Laurent Sagart
      11. Proto-east Asian and the origin and dispersal of the languages of East and Southeast Asia and the Pacific S. Starosta
      12. The physical anthropology of the Pacific, East Asia, and Southeast Asia: a multivariate craniometric analysis M. Pietrusewsky
      Appendix to 12 M. Pietrusewsky
      13. Genetic diversity of Taiwan's indigenous peoples: Possible relationship with insular Southeast Asia Marie Lin, Chen-Chung Chu, Richard E. Broadberry, Lung-Chih Yu, Jun-Hun Loo and Jean A. Trejaut
      14. Genetic analysis of minority populations in china and its implications for multi-regional evolution Chu J.Y.
      15. Comparing linguistic and genetic relationships among East Asian populations: a study of the RH and GM polymorphisms Estella S. Poloni, Alicia Sanchez-Mazas, Guillaume Jacques and Laurent Sagart
      16. Hla genetic diversity and linguistic variation in East Asia Alicia Sanchez-Mazas, Estella S. Poloni, Guillaume Jacques and Laurent Sagart
      17. A synopsis of extant y chromosome diversity in East Asia and Oceania Peter A. Underhill
      Appendix to 17 Peter A. Underhill

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