Vitu dictionary announcement

Malcolm Ross Malcolm.Ross at ANU.EDU.AU
Tue Dec 12 10:09:49 UTC 2006


SIL-PNG is happy to announce the recent publication of:

Vitu Grammar Sketch by René van den Berg and Peter Bachet (Data  
Papers on Papua New Guinea Languages, volume 51, 2006). Ukarumpa:  
SIL. ix + 248 pages.

Vitu is a Western Oceanic language spoken on islands northwest of New  
Britain, PNG. A first-order member of the Meso-Melanesian linkage,  
Vitu is a conservative Oceanic language showing most of the typical  
Oceanic features. It is unusual in its lack of classifiers, the  
presence of a clear morphological passive and the widespread and  
multifaceted use of tense-aspect-sequentiality markers. The grammar  
is thoroughly data-driven and includes two interlinearised texts.

Paper copies can be obtained from lr-dats at at US$15.  
Postage from PNG is unfortunately rather high: $15 for Australia and  
$20 for the rest of the world. A pdf version of the book is available  

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