query: alveolar/dental asymmetries in phoneme inventories

David Gil gil at EVA.MPG.DE
Wed Apr 8 17:01:59 UTC 2009

Dear all,

In Malay and Indonesian, the apical stops exhibit a curious 
place-of-articulation asymmetry: whereas [d] is alveolar, [t] is dental 
or (for some speakers, typically women) interdental.  In recent 
field-work, I seem to have encountered a similar asymmetry in two other 
quite distant Austronesian languages, Mentawai and Roon (though I'm not 
yet entirely sure of the facts here.)

My two questions:

(a) how common is this asymmetry (or for that matter the mirror-image 
one) in Austronesian, or for that matter any other languages?

(b) specifically for Austronesian languages, I would also appreciate 
substantiated reports of languages that do *not* exhibit this asymmetry 
(ie. languages where both [d] and [t] are alveolar, or both [d] and [t] 
are dental, or both [d] and [t] can be either alveolar or dental, or 
there is no contrast between [d] or [t], or whatever.  My interest in 
this latter question is that I would like to try and map the 
geographical distribution of this asymmetry in the insular Southeast 
Asian region.



David Gil

Department of Linguistics
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
Deutscher Platz 6, D-04103 Leipzig, Germany

Telephone: 49-341-3550321 Fax: 49-341-3550119
Email: gil at eva.mpg.de
Webpage:  http://www.eva.mpg.de/~gil/

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