Pacific Linguistics - recent publications

Wayan Arka wayan.arka at ANU.EDU.AU
Thu Apr 23 08:05:22 UTC 2009

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publication of:

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{page:Section1;} --> *The Lexicon of Proto Oceanic: The culture and 
environment of ancestral Oceanic society 3. Plant*s,  edited by Malcolm 
Ross, Andrew Pawley and Meredith Osmond

*Serial verb constructions in Austronesian and Papuan Language*s edited 
by Gunter Senft

*A grammar of Klon: A non--Austronesian language of Alor, Indonesia* by 
Baird, Louise

*A reference grammar of Puyuma, an Austronesian language of Taiwan* by 
Teng, Stacy Fang-Ching

*A dictionary of Toqabaqita *by Frantisek Lichtenberk

Prices are in Australian dollars (one Australian dollar is currently 
equivalent to about US$ 0.70).

*A dictionary of Toqabaqita**
PL 592
Toqabaqita is an Austronesian, more specifically an Oceanic, language 
spoken on the island of Malaita in the Solomon Islands . This is the 
first published dictionary of the language, based on the author's work 
on the language for over two decades, starting in 1981. The volume 
contains a Toqabaqita--English dictionary (nearly 7,000 entries) and an 
English--Toqabaqita finderlist.
2008 ISBN 9780858835849 407 pp
Prices: Australia AUD $75.90 (incl. GST), Overseas AUD $69.00

*Serial verb constructions in Austronesian and Papuan Languages * 
Gunter Senft, editor
PL 594
This volume of new work explores the nature of verb serialisation in a 
range of languages from the Pacific region -- both Austronesian and 
non-Austronesian. Serial verbs can be described linguistically as a 
sequence of verbs which behave as a single complex predicate. A 
particular focus of this book is the detailed examination given by most 
authors to the relationship of such uniclausal linguistic structures 
with the real world notion of eventhood. The book also makes a valuable 
addition to the description and analysis of serial verb constructions 
from the Pacific, a region which has generally been under-represented in 
cross-linguistic discussions of verb serialisation. The book will appeal 
to syntacticians and typologists as well as to Austronesianists and 

Contributors: Louise Baird, John Bowden, Volker Heeschen, David Mead, 
Andrew Pawley, Ger Reesink, Miriam van Staden, Catharina Williams-van 
Klinken, and Scott Youngman.

2008 ISBN 9780858835917
Prices: Australia AUD $64.90 (incl. GST), Overseas AUD $59.00

The Lexicon of Proto Oceanic: The culture and environment of ancestral 
Oceanic society
3. Plants 
edited by Malcolm Ross, Andrew Pawley and Meredith Osmond
PL 599
This is the third in a series of six volumes on the lexicon of Proto 
Oceanic, the ancestor of the Oceanic branch of the Austronesian language 
family. Each volume deals with a particular domain of culture and/or 
environment and consists of a collection of essays each of which 
presents and comments on lexical reconstructions of a particular 
semantic field within that domain.

Volume 3 examines the terms that Proto Oceanic speakers used to name 
plants and parts of plants. After the general introduction to the 
series, Chapter 2 places Proto Oceanic plant naming within its 
biogeographic and ethnographic context, Chapter 3 examines its major  
plant categories from an ethnobotanical standpoint, and Chapter 4 
reconstructs terms for parts of plants. Chapters 5-8 present 
reconstructed names of wild plants, organised by vegetation habitat: the 
coastal strand, mangrove swamp, rain forest and secondary forest. 
Chapters 9-13 investigate the naming of cultivated plants: staple foods, 
green vegetables, nut and fruit trees, the coconut and a variety of 
cultivated non-food plants.

2008 ISBN 9780858835894 565 pp.
Prices: Australia AUD $137.50 (incl. GST), Overseas AUD $125.00

*A grammar of Klon: A non--Austronesian language of Alor, Indonesia * 
Baird, Louise
PL 596
The languages spoken on the Alor archipelago in Indonesia are 
geographically the west-most non-Austronesian languages.  Klon is one of 
these languages, spoken on the west coast of the island of Alor .  This 
is the first descriptive grammar of Klon, adding to the slowly growing 
-- but as yet mainly unpublished -- body of knowledge concerning the 
structure of the Alor languages.

   This grammar is primarily based on a corpus of spoken texts from the 
Bring dialect.  Phonetics and phonology, morphology, clausal and 
inter-clausal syntax are described, including the pronominal system 
which works on an agentive basis, and commonly used serial verb 

2008 ISBN 9780858835979 258 pp. Prices: Australia AUD $66.00 (incl. 
GST), Overseas AUD $60.00

*A reference grammar of Puyuma, an Austronesian language of Taiwan * 

Teng, Stacy Fang-Ching
PL 595
he Puyuma people reside in southeastern Taiwan in Taitung City and 
Peinan Township in Taitung County . There are still fourteen extant 
Formosan (Austronesian) languages in Taiwan , but only thirteen 
indigenous groups are officially recognised by the Taiwanese government. 
The present study investigates the Nanwang dialect of the Puyuma 
language, spoken by the people in Nanwang and Paoshang Suburbs of 
Taitung City in southern Taiwan .

The aim of this grammar is to describe the phonology and morphosyntax of 
Puyuma. The work is descriptive in nature, and the theoretical framework 
employed is Basic Linguistic Theory (BLT), following Dixon (1994, 1997) 
and Dryer (2006). BLT emphasis es the need to describe each language in 
its own terms, rather than impos ing on it concepts derived from other 
languages . Thus, in this study, the author abandons traditional terms 
used by linguists studying Philippine-type languages, such as 'agent 
focus', 'patient focus', 'locative focus', or 'instrumental focus', and 
replaces them with the terms like 'transitive' and 'intransitive' that 
are more familiar to most of the world's linguists.

2008 ISBN 9780858835870 327 pp
Prices: Australia AUD $77.00 (incl. GST), Overseas AUD $70.00

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