Fwd: South pacific language question

Stephen Wechsler wechsler at MAIL.UTEXAS.EDU
Tue Oct 27 14:12:57 UTC 2009

Can anyone help with this question (from a non-linguist friend) about Nauru
and Nauruan?


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Howdy!  I'm writing an essay about the role of history in understanding
ecosystems at the supplying fringe of urban areas, and I'm using Nauru for
my example.  I haven't yet found references that say how long people have
been on Nauru, but I have found sources that say most of Micronesia became
populated around 3,500 years ago.  Also, Nauru has its own unique language.
 I wonder, are you aware of any work on their language and the degree to
which it has diverged from whatever gave rise to it that could be used as
evidence for how long people have been on the island?
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