FW: Linguistic Contact in East Timor

David Gil gil at EVA.MPG.DE
Thu Jan 14 05:26:38 UTC 2010

Waruno Mahdi wrote:
> But the process of borrowing can sometimes have unexpected, or no
> longer apparent loopholes. The word _bro_ (short for _brother_)
> began to be used some years ago in Malaysia as gender-specific term
> of address to a (male) friend. I noticed recently that it has also
> started to be used by some young Indonesians.
> In view of the fact, that _bro_ in (American) English has a quite
> pronounced derogatory meaning (something like "white-trash male"),
> it seems very unlikely that the Malay word was a direct borrowing
> from English. I tentatively suspect, therefore, that the original
> precursor was _brother_ as term of address amongst Afro-Americans,
> and that Malay _bro_ was shortened from _brother_ in Malay itself,
> independently of the shortening to _bro_ in English. Does that
> sound likely?
Well I'm not sure, but here are three reasons to suppose that it was the
shortened form _bro_ in English that was directly borrowed ...

(a) In western Nusantara dialects of Malay/Indonesian, truncation to a
monosyllable usually (if not always) retains the final syllable, rather
than the penultimate, eg. _abang_ > _bang_, _mister_ > _ster_, _Dapit_ >

(b) In eastern Nusantara dialects, eg. Papuan Malay, there is no
productive rule of truncation to monosyllabic forms, eg. _kaka_ > *_ka_
-- and in fact, in Papuan Malay, _bro_ has recently become very widespread.

(c) In Papua at least, my impression is that people -- mostly trendy
teenagers -- who use _bro_ are also likely to associate with other
artifacts of African-American culture, eg. rap music, shoulder bags with
rasta colours, etc., which suggests to me that they borrowed the form
directly from African-American English.  (Which is consistent with other
comments that have been made in recent postings on this subject.)


David Gil

Department of Linguistics
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
Deutscher Platz 6, D-04103 Leipzig, Germany

Telephone: 49-341-3550321 Fax: 49-341-3550119
Email: gil at eva.mpg.de
Webpage:  http://www.eva.mpg.de/~gil/

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