Sources on loan phonology in languages of North Luzon?

Gillian Sankoff gsankoff at COMCAST.NET
Thu Mar 4 04:16:59 UTC 2010

Dear colleagues,
I have an undergraduate student, Danielle Daidone, doing a senior  
thesis on the phonology of loanwords in Itawit/Itawes.  She has  
collected material herself from a speaker of this language, but we  
have looked in vain for research on loan phonology in any of the  
languages of northern Luzon.  We would also be very interested in  
finding dictionaries or word lists from any of these languages.   
Within Austronesian, I am much more familiar with the literature on  
New Guinea languages and Oceanic generally, so I'd very much  
appreciate any assistance in advising a student in dealing with a  
language of the Philippines.  Any references will be very welcome,  
either to Danielle (address above) or me, or both of us.  My best  
address is gillian at (sometimes the address my mail goes  
out from, gsankoff at, rejects incoming mail from  
international sources.  I apologize for this glitch which I can't seem  
to correct).

Best wishes,

Dr. GIllian Sankoff
Professor of Linguistics
University of Pennsylvania
619 Williams Hall

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