Italian South East Asian studies

Antonia Soriente asoriente at UNIOR.IT
Tue Mar 1 16:47:34 UTC 2011

Sorry for double posting but apparently attachments can not be posted. 
This is the full text of call for papers. 
2nd Italian Conference on Southeast Asian Studies
Milano, 28/29 Aprile 2011
Appello a contributi/call for papers

Itaseas, Italian Association for Southeast Asian Studies,  organizes the Second National Conference in Southeast Asian Studies. The conference aims to gather the growing national scientific community and establish  new local and international networks. 
Interested researchers should send a 400 words abstract in English or Italian to the panel convenors, according to their disciplinary field. Young scholars are encouraged to participate. Deadline for the submission of abstracts: 8th march 2011.

Sezioni / Panels
Sviluppo economico fra "miracoli" e crisi - economic development between "miracles" and crises
Coordina Pietro Masina, Università di Napoli l'Orientale 
pmasina at

Le scienze sociali: persone, luoghi, storie - Social sciences: People, places, stories 
Coordina Silvia Vignato, Università di Milano-Bicocca
silvia.vignato at

Spazi e anfratti linguistici e letterari - linguistic and literary fields and niches
Antonia Soriente, Università di Napoli l'Orientale 
asoriente at
Marco Ceresa, università Ca' Foscari (Venezia)
ceresa at

Best regards,

Antonia Soriente

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