[An-lang] PhD scholarship

Bill Palmer bill.palmer at newcastle.edu.au
Fri Feb 17 05:50:34 UTC 2017

Dear An Language colleagues

Please see the PhD scholarship available below.

Bill Palmer

The University of Newcastle (Australia) is offering a PhD scholarship for a student to investigate complex predicates in Australian and Oceanic languages.
Applications and enquiries are invited from qualified and motivated students wishing to pursue a PhD degree in the cross-linguistic comparative morpho-syntax of complex predicates. Applications close on 31 March 2017.
The project is based at the University of Newcastle, within our Endangered Languages Documentation, Theory and Application Research Program (ELDTA). The successful candidate will join an energetic team with expertise in this research area, and who can offer you training to boost your current levels of knowledge in the relevant research areas. Your participation in the project will proceed under the supervision of Assoc Prof Mark Harvey (specialising in Australian languages, phonology, historical linguistics) and Dr Bill Palmer (specialising in Austronesian languages, syntax, typology).
The project will involve analysis of complex predicate structures Wagiman, a language of northern Australia, and Namakir, a language of Central Vanuatu. The successful applicant will contribute to all aspects of the project, including: (i) annotation of existing data; (ii) collection of primary material in the field in Australia and/or Vanuatu; (iii) preparation of descriptive material; (iv) theoretical analyses based on descriptive materials.
Do you have an interest in evaluating and developing hypotheses on the interface between morphology and syntax? Do you have an interest in language documentation and description? This PhD scholarship offers an opportunity to develop your interests in these areas.
Scholarship details
The scholarship is offered for three years, and provides a tax-free living allowance of $26,682 p.a. in 2017 (indexed annually). In addition to meeting standard resource requirements, such as desk space in our ELDTA project room, internet access and research resources, the University of Newcastle also provides a new laptop and funds for travel to conferences to commencing research higher degree students. International students will also be awarded a tuition fee scholarship which meets the tuition fee costs and provides Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) for the tenure of the award.
We welcome international and Australian applicants who have a master’s degree or equivalent (e.g. MA or BA Hons) in linguistics, ideally with experience in one or more of the following areas: morphology; syntax; semantics. The successful candidate must be willing to be located in or near Newcastle for the full period of the scholarship.
Expressions of interest
Expressions of interest including a CV, publications, and a statement outlining relevant expertise and experience (including any fieldwork experience) may be directed to either Assoc Prof Mark Harvey at mark.harvey at newcastle.edu.au<mailto:mark.harvey at newcastle.edu.au>, or Dr Bill Palmer at bill.palmer at newcastle.edu.au<mailto:bill.palmer at newcastle.edu.au>. Further information on the project may be obtained by emailing Assoc Prof Harvey or Dr Palmer.
Applications close
The closing date for expressions of interest is 31 March 2017. Information on formal admission requirements will be supplied following receipt of an expression of interest.

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