[An-lang] [FORGED] Fwd: Change of editorial team: Oceanic Linguistics

piet lincoln linc at hawaii.rr.com
Sat Jun 9 07:54:45 UTC 2018

Harim. Harim.

Tenkyu tru yupela tripeal ologeta.


Piet as an homage to Danish polymath, Piet Hein.

On 6/8/18 6:21 PM, Ross Clark wrote:
> Many thanks to all of you for keeping this fine journal
> at such a level of excellence.
> Ross Clark
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* An-lang <an-lang-bounces at anu.edu.au> on behalf of John Lynch 
> <johnlynch123 at gmail.com>
> *Sent:* Friday, 8 June 2018 10:14 a.m.
> *To:* an-lang at anu.edu.au
> *Subject:* [FORGED] [An-lang] Fwd: Change of editorial team: Oceanic 
> Linguistics
> */
> Change of Editorial Team/*
> The December 2018 issue of /Oceanic Linguistics/—vol. 57, no. 2— will 
> be the last issue produced by the current editorial team. Byron Bender 
> ends over half a century’s hands-on association with the journal, 
> having served as Editor from 1992 through 2006 between two periods as 
> Managing Editor (1964–1991 and 2007–2018); Bob Blust served as Review 
> Editor from 1999 till 2018, and I served as Editor form 2007 till this 
> year. We will remain associated with the journal as members of the 
> Editorial Advisory Board.
> We will be replaced from 2019 by a different looking team. There will 
> be three co-editors—Daniel Kaufman, Yuko Otsuka, and Antoinette 
> Schapper—with Owen Edwards as Assistant Editor and Alex Smith as 
> Review Editor. All submission s from today on should be sent to them, 
> at oceanicl at hawaii.edu <mailto:oceanicl at hawaii.edu>.
> On behalf of the outgoing team, I would like to thank authors for the 
> constant flow of submissions, and for their generous acceptance of 
> decisions that are not always in their favor; and I would like to wish 
> the incoming team all the best for the future of /Oceanic Linguistics/.
> John Lynch
> -- 
> John Lynch, FAHA
> Emeritus Professor of Pacific Languages, and Editor "Oceanic Linguistics"
> University of the South Pacific
> PMB 9072
> Port Vila.  VANUATU
> Phone: (+678) 25036    Mobile: (+678) 5920220 Fax: (+678) 22633
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