[An-lang] New SIL PNG publication: Bola grammar sketch

René van den Berg rene_vandenberg at sil.org
Fri Aug 30 15:26:43 UTC 2019

SIL Papua New Guinea is pleased to announce the following publication:


René van den Berg and Brent Wiebe. 2019. Bola Grammar Sketch. 
SIL PNG Academic Publications, Ukarumpa PNG. 

Data Papers on Papua New Guinea languages, volume 63. 292 pages.


Bola [bnp] is an Oceanic language spoken by some 14,000 people in the
Willaumez Peninsula, West New Britain, Papua New Guinea. Bola is a
conservative Western Oceanic language with many typical Oceanic features,
including a complex pronominal system, alienable and inalienable possessive
marking, extensive preverbal TAM marking, serial verb constructions, and few
conjunctions. Less typical are the presence of an agentless passive (marked
by ni), bimorphemic negation, and the widespread use of apposition.


The publication is available at
[The format is for A5 print publication.]

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